The patterns that block us
I want to reflect on patterns and the importance of familiarizing ourselves with the patterns that we’ve developed over the years of living our lives here on this amazing earth.
We can get stuck in habits, routines, and relationships. Often, finding our way out can feel daunting. That’s where therapy comes in.
In therapy, you examine your own patterns, and find out why you created them at all. There are always reasons as to why habits were created. Taking a fresh look at our habits, realizing how they serve us (or not), and adjusting them or changing them altogether to meet our needs in different ways, is where the process begins.
When we can step back and examine our patterns with a gentle touch and a kind heart, we begin to open ourselves up to thinking and working differently.
A lot of this process is about forgiveness. We must find it in our heart to accept that we are human, and we make mistakes. Error and understanding - all part of life. And it’s both acceptable and okay to make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and become stronger.
Curiosity is a great tool to use when searching to understand why we react and feel triggered. Leave room for yourself to be curious! Be open to understanding and searching for answers.
What are some of your patterns?